Let’s imagine!

photo of sarah the authorSarah Miesner Goldammer grew up on a dairy farm. As the youngest of eight children in a busy, working farm family, she had a lot of time to explore and imagine by herself. Growing up before the internet, she read encyclopedias to answer her questions and to provide imagining adventures. She would “ask questions” of the people she read about as she imagined herself living in different time periods and in different parts of the world.

As a mother and educator, Sarah always used her imagination to provide encouragement to consider what life COULD be. And to make the current day a little more FUN! Working with adult learners for over 20 years inspired Sarah to write this series, Adventures from Granny’s Basement: Exploring Careers. She saw the value of early career exploration. She imagined a way to explore while having some fun!

In her work with adult education, Sarah spearheaded the creation and implementation of multiple contextualized curricula. This means teaching basic skills such as math and reading while also teaching career skills such as information technology, welding, nursing, etc.
Sarah hopes these books will inspire both children and adults to consider possibilities, to see themselves in different roles, and to Always imagine!

To contact the author, email adventuresfromgrannysbasement@gmail.com